Goofy Toofy would like you to value your oral hygiene and maintain good brushing and flossing habits. It is very important that you take good care of your teeth, which is why must learn how to be responsible and care about your oral health. Learn now, not later. Do not be part of the epidemic of tooth decay! Parents may not be able to remind you to brush and floss your teeth, so be responsible and remind yourself. Do you know which teeth you need to keep clean? All of them! Therefore, brush and floss the ones you want to keep. Goofy Toofy knows you can do it. Please do not forget to have your parents check your teeth to see if you have done a good job.
Goofy Toofy's mission is to inform and educate on oral hygiene, to motivate and encourage positive behavior and self-care, and to offer a pleasant and nurturing environment in which to learn about the value of a smile.
Goofy Toofy K thru 6 Dental Health Education Instruction Booklet with DVD Animation was designed to educate children, teachers and parents alike on the importance of oral hygiene in a fun and entertaining way.